The profits from my sales are invested in humanitarian work in Togo, West Africa.
Through a direct contact with Soeur Aurélie (my sister in law who is a nun) I support different projects.
So far the sales of my paintings have contributed to :
- School support up to Baccalauréat, mainly for girls;
- A new sewing machine to a recently graduated seamstress;
- Support to ADPAD (Assistance à Domicile aux Personnes Agées Dépendentes),
organization caring for old people in their home environment;
- Support to a women's project (thanks to this, three women have been able to establish their own business and as a return they help to prepare food packages for distribution via ADPAD);
- Orphanage St Claire;
- Sandal project (distribution of sandals to those who have no shoes,
once per year at three different places in the country).
Français - Svensk